Julia Moser
In reminiscence of energised waterfalls and places of power in nature, this garment aims to poetically evoke moments in which the qualities and energy of water can be felt and experienced. The pigments used for dyeing the clothes derive from pigment producing bacterial strains collected from the Danube river which require almost no water and no harmful chemicals for dyeing. The shape of the fashion and textile design is likewise based on the element of water. The formation of the bacterial strain Bacillus mycoides, also isolated from a water sample, is reflected in the surface of the textiles, which was manipulated by heat reminding of ocean waves and waterfalls. It is assumed that there must first be a closeness and connection to nature before the question of its preservation can be asked. Accordingly, this garment aims to trigger emotions, awaken a longing for nature and truth and provide food for thought. Instead of shoes, the model stands barefoot on Danube stones and experiences the connection to nature through this direct contact with it. Hidden pockets are equipped with tools for collecting bacterial strains to invite entering into an exchange with nature.
The project was a finalist within the Fashion Frontier Program: https://ffp.jp/en/finalist-en/julia-moser/

With gratitude for the support the bacteriograph Erich Schopf and the Institute of Polymere Science/Johannes Kepler University Linz.
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